Looking Back at the Mass Effect trilogy - Part Three

Mass Effect 3 After being happy to find out ME2 had aged well and is still a masterpiece, I was eager to see how the third act had fared being the black sheep out of the three. Back in 2012 the fan and critical reaction to Mass Effect 3’s ending was extraordinarily controversial. Criticisms were so loud that it actually forced EA and Bioware to add extra cut scenes to the ending (which I had never actually seen until replaying it recently) as free DLC, but nevertheless the controversy has stained ME3’s reputation ever since (more on the ending later though.) Mass Effect 3 starts of on a drastically urgent note with an army of Reaper dreadnoughts invading Earth, blowing up evacuation shuttles, buildings and people right in front of Shepard. It gets increasingly effective with a solemn piano theme swelling up as an escaping Shepard looks down at a dying child he failed to save. It sets the tone for the entire game, and just like the las...